Realty Plus, Inc.
(315)794-3101 Cell
License #: BK3388841

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Welcome to Lowes International Realty Plus MLS Pages
Lowe’s International Realty Plus is a proud member of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Today, through more than 800 MLSs, brokers share information on properties throughout the nation.
Sellers benefit by increased exposure to their property. Buyers benefit because they can obtain information about all MLS-listed properties while working with only one broker, like Lowe’s International Realty Plus.
The real estate market is competitive, and the business is unique in that competitors must also cooperate with each other to ensure a successful transaction. MLS systems facilitate that cooperation. And, that is good news for you!
MLSs are a powerful force in helping you buy or sell. MLSs are private databases that are created, maintained and paid for by real estate professionals to help clients, like you, buy and sell property.
Please use the following form and links to help find your next dream home or property.
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Please contact our office and one of our highly skilled and friendly Agents will be glad to assist you in your search.